Content for the Visitor Centre was developed with support from the István Angyal Grant Scheme of the 1956 Memorial Committee.

Editor responsible:
Dr Katalin Fogarasi Radnainé, director-general, National Heritage Institute
Project manager:
Áron Nagy-Csere, deputy director, Cultural Directorate, National Heritage Institute
Gábor Papp, director, Cultural Directorate, National Heritage Institute

Body of historians:
Réka Kiss Földváryné, chair, Committee of National Remembrance
György Gyarmati, director-general, Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security
Zsuzsanna Mikó, director-general, National Archives of Hungary
János M. Rainer, head of department, National Széchényi Library, 1956 Institute, Oral History Archive
Tibor Zinner, head of research team and head of archives, Veritas Research Institute for History
Forensic anthropologist: Dr Éva Susa
Copy editor: Eleonóra Gyökös, scholarly research, Cultural Directorate, National Heritage Institute
English translation: Nicholas Bodoczky and Judit Zinner (animations)
Research in cemetery topography : Barbara Bank, Péter Kis, Dr Éva Susa, Eszter Tóth, Vilmos Tóth and Tibor Zinner
List of names in cemetery topography compiled, and the research results revised and summarised, by Tibor Zinner
Biographies: Éva Cseszka and Eleonóra Gyökös
Photographs for the biographies provided by Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, László Eörsi and Dr Éva Susa